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Wardrobe (Swing Door & Sliding Door)

We are one of the top manufacturers of sliding door wardrobes in Chennai. Sliding door wardrobes are be spoke unique space savers that leaves you with enough space to walk around, try out your clothes while it remains silent and hidden behind the walls. Tailor-made to fit within your bedroom space, we can supply you with great custom space saving solutions.

As one of the top manufacturers in Chennai, we have supplied sliding door wardrobes to many premium apartments, condos and villas. Our sliding door wardrobes have many custom-made shelves with deep shelving and many clever storage areas that allow you to categorize your wardrobe for easy access.

With a sliding door wardrobe in place, you will have legroom space in your bedroom and feel of a built-in closet that can be accessed whenever the need arises.





Drop in your enquiry now, and we will get back in touch with you to start off with the process of creating your new dream kitchen!

Woodscape Interiors Pvt.Ltd

Wardrobe (Sliding Door)